Spa Etiquitte
We welcome walk ins and offer same day appointments. Due to the popularity and demand of our services, we encourage to schedule an appointment ahead of time. We are open 7 days a week. A credit card or gift card is required at the time of reserving your appointment. We suggest you fill our New Client Form before your arrival or allow yourself 15 minutes prior to your service time to fill it out at the spa. It is always a good idea to come early simply just to give yourself some time to unwind in a relaxing spa environment before your treatment.
Late Arrivals
We regret that late arrival for your appointment may deprive you valuable treatment time.
Cancellation & No-Show Policy
If you must reschedule your appointment, we request you do so a minimum of 3 hours in advance. This time is reserved just for you and if the appointment is not canceled, we are unable to offer the time to another guest. Regretfully, if we do not receive the 3 hour notice of cancellation, you will be charged a $40 late cancellation fee or a no-show fee.
Suggestions Prior to Your Service
Before enjoying a body service, such as a massage, wrap or body scrub, we ask that you please shower. Also, it is advisable to drink 12 to 16 oz. of water after a massage. It will be best if you come for a facial without any make up. However, we can remove the make up for you.
Teen Spa Services
Teens ages 10 - 17 are welcome to receive spa treatments. Parent consent form must be signed prior to the treatment and parent must be present with the teen in the room. Massage will be performed by the same gender therapist. Teens must wear a bathing suit during service.
Safety & Valuables
Please do not bring jewelry or other valuables to the spa. We do not assume any liability for the loss of personal items.Only guests with scheduled appointments are allowed in the service area.
For your protection, please inform us of any medical conditions or other special needs that may require our attention to make your visit a pleasant one. This includes allergies and injuries that could affect your service or skin care products that may interfere with facial waxing. Prior to the start of your service, tell your therapist the areas you would like to focus on, and any areas to be avoided. During your service, let the therapist know if you feel any discomfort. Communication with your therapist is the key to the most effective and relaxing treatment
Keep Calm & Say Shhhhh
We want Sage Wellness Spa to be a relaxing and tranquil environment for all our guests. Please use your "spa voice" in all areas of the spa including the reception area. We request you silence your phone for the duration of your visit with us out of respect for other guests and for your own relaxation. Thank you for your cooperation.
In appreciation of outstanding service, gratuities may be given to your massage therapist or esthetician at your own discretion. An amount of $15+ to $50+ based on the value and duration of your service is customary.
Gift Cards
Gift Cards are a perfect gift for any occasion or as a thank you gift. You can purchase a gift card online or at our front desk. We apologize but lost or stolen cards will not be replaced. Our gift cards and gift certificates can be used at our location only and are non-refundable for cash.
Personalized Skin Care
Sanitas and Glo Skin Beauty are the two professional skin care lines that we use in our treatment rooms and as our home care regimen.These lines offer a systematic approach to treat multiple skin concerns by incorporating daily regimens with advanced treatments. Utilizing innovative technology to enhance skin’s radiance, tone and texture, their formulations are designed with active concentrations of ingredients targeted to clinically transform the skin.
No parabens, high concentration of actives, innovative ingredients.
No parabens, high concentration of actives, innovative ingredients.
Sage Wellness Spa offers a variety of clinical grade skin care products, each selected with the needs of our guests in mind. These products will help to prolong the results of your services, and also will allow you bring spa experience home with you. It is our hope that you will love every product you buy with us. We will gladly accept an unopened product within 2 weeks of its purchase accompanied with a receipt for a spa credit. Any used product can be returned to the spa for a spa credit within 2 weeks of the purchase minus 20% fee.